sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008


The education system in Brazil has public institutions (federal, state and municipal) and private establishments. That is divided into three sectors: primary, secundary and high-school.

As we look more generally, we find that public education is free at all levels, apart from compulsory for children between 7 to 14 years, something that helps and motivates the development of this country, from the most important people who are going to be the future of this country, children. But that's not all because in Brazil there are at least one public university known as the federal University in each state of the federation. To which, upon entering the candidates have to submit a review of access, called "vestibular", which is very important because the universities that there are were not enough, and with the help of these are stocked the great demand for higher education in the country .

Colombia also has public and private educational institutions, for which, anyone who wants to study must also provide a small amount of money, removing the opportunity for education to those who do not have that possibility, because it is the food of the family before and more important than study.
In addition to this, it should be noted that in Colombia, are currently looking for the privatization of universities to avoid inconvenience to public order as are the protests, which started being peaceful, and the same public order, which only leads to fights end in accidents or fatal consequences. Besides that this idea is not possible to acquire the whole of society, leading to many students who have withdrawn, and thus increase the number of illiterates in the country and the degree of underdevelopment of it. Because in order to grow as a country, is growing in technology, but on the degree of knowledge and values of society, which is going to move forward into a future in this country.


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